Brenda Dutertre
I first discovered EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) during a time of great stress when insomnia took over my life for a period of eight months. A visit to a Grief Counsellor introduced me to EFT. The insomnia was cured in one session, and I began to investigate and then became certified in EFT. With the discovery of Modern Energy Therapy, consisting of Modern Stress Management, Modern Energy Tapping, EMO- Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Healing, Star Matrix and now Starline Therapy, a whole new world of possibilities opened up! Based on the “Power of the Positives”, we can make real change in real time without the need to relive past trauma. We can now manage life's ups and downs from a whole new perspective, not only easing stress of all kinds – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – but can also inject positive energy to take us to new heights of health, happiness, success and peace of mind. I am on a mission to introduce these wonderful tools to as many people as I can. Imagine being able to help yourself - anytime, anywhere! Modern Energy Therapy really is First Aid for the Soul!
I am a certified Trainer of Modern Energy Therapy - currently the only one in Canada.
I feel very grateful to be able to fulfill my life's purpose. Let me help you to realize your full potential by equipping you with the tools you need to cope with this crazy world we live in!! Life wasn’t meant to be hard!! It would be my greatest joy to help you to become all you can be!